DIY Catnip Herbal Bug Spray

I got some fresh locally grown catnip to make some herbal insect repellent as the mosquitoes seems to be after me this year. There’s been quite a few studies showing that catnip extract is more effective than deet in repelling mosquitos. There’s a few ways of using catnip for repelling insects - rubbing fresh leaves on your skin, using catnip essential oil or making a fresh plant spray:

Cat Nip Bug Spray

* fill a mason jar half full of freshly chopped and macerated leaves and stems, cover to the top with clear alcohol - such as vodka or high proof rubbing alcohol for a cost effective option.
* Cover and let sit for 7 days. Strain out liquid with cheesecloth and squeeze well to strain excess alcohol from plant material.
* Mix your newly green alcohol 3 parts catnip to 1 part aloe Vera gel. Optional: 20 drops citronella essential oil. If your spray is too drying on your skin you can add some rose water to dilute it.
* Store in a spray bottle and spray liberally as you would regular insect repellent.
* Beware if you have a cat they will be after you when you wear this.