Coastal Mugwort Womb & Hara Oil


Coastal mugwort is an abundant beauty along our shore lines with silver downy under-leaf and a rich aromatic smell. Part of the Artemisia family - along with sagewort and wormwood, they get their name sake from Artemis - Goddess of the Moon who was the patron of the herbalist, the midwife, the birthing woman, and the hunter. So it’s no surprise that mugworts have a rich pan cultural history of being used for menstrual health, womb healing, dreamwork and as a replenishing tonic.

Mugworts are especially dear to me as an acupuncturist because it is the herb from which Moxa is made for moxibustion. Moxa is burned on the skin to replenish Qi, stimulate acupuncture channels and counter balance ‘cold & damp’ conditions in the body. If you have ever had a session with me - you have already worked with mugwort.

I’ve made several versions of this womb oil. Some with devils club, some with CBD, with castor oil and without - but always a base of mugwort infused oil. Feel free to make additions to this recipe that feel good for your body. If you don’t feel confident foraging mugwort, you can always buy some from a local herb shop instead.

Womb oil is used topically on the pelvis and abdomen to increase circulation, ease cramps, and provide grounding ritual. You can use oil at any point in your cycle, however mugwort is not recommended during pregnancy or for those trying to conceive.

To use womb oil: apply liberally to pelvis and womb area, cover with a warm towel and place a hot water bottle, heat pack or warm womb rock on top. Use this time to rest deeply.


  • Mugwort - dried* & cut into small pieces - approx 1 cup

  • 1 cup carrier oil- I use olive or grape seed

  • 1 cup castor oil

  • 500 ml glass mason jar

  • Optional: Lavender essential oils


  • Make an infused oil by adding your dried herbs to the jar and covering with oil.

  • Stir to make sure herbs are completely saturated and close the lid tightly.

  • Let infuse in a sunny window for 2-4 weeks.

  • Strain off herbs through mesh or cheesecloth. Make sure to squeeze out excess oil from your herbs. Add essential oil if using.

  • Store infused oil in glass container away from direct sunlight.

**Note it is important to use dried herbs as moisture can turn oils rancid. If you forage your mugwort try hanging it in bundles to dry in your room or bedside for its ancient use of enhancing dreams.
