Horsetail Herbal Hair Rinse


Horsetail is a lovely and prolific plant around the Pacific North West and often considered a weed. Much like its weedy companions nettle and cleaver, horsetail contains high amounts of the mineral silica - an important building block for connective tissue of the brain, nerve cells, collagen and skin, hair, and bone health! Horsetail contains up to 35% silica making it a potent bioavailable herbal support. Stalks are best harvested in the spring before the leaves fall perpendicular to the stalk. While there are many preparations that utilize the abundant silica content - tincture, tea, honey infusion - I prefer to extract this plant in apple cider vinegar for both internal and external use. My favourite recipe is this herbal hair rinse. I find it works well on all hair types, used to cleanse, strengthen and renew. (My partner uses this recipe to detox his afro-textured locs). I’ve heard many stories of using this rinse for hair loss, thinning and bald spots.

Horsetail Hair Rinse



  • Fresh Horsetail

  • Fresh Rosemary

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Optional: Fresh Nettle

  • Optional Essential Oils - rosemary, lavender, or preferred.

In a clean mason jar, fill 1/2 - 3/4 full of chopped plant material. Cover to the top with apple cider vinegar and seal. Let sit for minimum two weeks to extract. Strain plant material and pour infused vinegar into a spray bottle. Add essential oils if using.

Use: Spray hair generously and let sit for 15-20 mins before rinsing. Or combine with equal parts coconut or jojoba oil to make a conditioning mask for hair, skin and nails.