Mung Bean Dal & Wild Rice Stew

Mung bean dal and wild rice stew :: a take on traditional Ayurvedic kitchari using a wild rice blend and increasing the cooking liquid to make a stew like consistency. This is a easy to digest meal that supports the spleen and digestion. Mung bean helps to gently cleanse the body of summer indulgence while the carminative spices support the stomach, spleen, lungs and large intestine.

1 cup wild & brown rice mix
1 cup dried split mung beans
1 inch ginger
1 tbsp cumin, coriander, fennel seeds
2 tbsp turmeric
I onion
4 cloves garlic
Salt & black pepper
3 tomatos
3 liters bone broth or vegetable stock
4 cup coconut oil or ghee
2 cups chopped zucchini
2 cups spinach
Cilantro to garnish

Add coconut oil to large pot and simmer garlic, onion, ginger and all spices. Add diced tomatoes and cook down for 5-7 mins. Add rinsed rice and dal to pot and stir into spices. Cover with broth and simmer for 1-2 hours until it reduces into a thick porridge like consistency. Add green veg and cook another 5 mins. serve warm with cilantro.