Steamed Pink Scallops with Wild Rose Mignonette


In an attempt to eat less meat and be more conscious about where mine comes from, I signed up for a local fishing share this year. This supports small scale fishing families on the coast and allows me access to fish and seafood that I would otherwise never eat. Such as pink and spiny scallops. A local wild caught variety that is sustainable and delicious.

In TCM scallops are considering cooling, salty, and benefits kidneys, qi and yin fluids. While vinegar, shallot and rose gently move liver qi.

Steamed Pink and Spiny Scallops:

Pink and Spiny scallops are smaller in size and thus can be eaten whole. If you want a more mild taste, remove the black part (scallop stomach) before serving.

They are simple to cook, just add frozen scallops into a steamer basket for 5-7 minutes until all the shells open. Serve on the half shell with mignonette.


1 shallot finely diced

1/2 cup white one vinegar

3-4 tablespoons Nootka rose infused honey

salt and pepper

Combine ingredients well and let sit in fridge for a few hours before serving with shellfish.