Detox Guide - Gentle Natural Interventions


I’ve been seeing a lot of folks for detox support lately. From VOC poisoning from cleaning the oil spill in Nootka sound, toxin accumulation from substance dependancy, cancer treatment, and “unexplained” lymphatic congestion. Generally, we can help by supporting the bodies natural detox pathways - the liver and the lymphatic system:

General support

  • drink lots of warm or room temperature water, add lemon for extra support

  • get extra rest - fatigue is common while the body mounts a response to toxins

  • take time off if possible - allowing the body to heal and reducing stress load

Liver support:

  • avoid sugar, alcohol, smoking, and processed foods

  • add warm cooked greens, bone broths, culinary mushrooms like wood ear, shiitake & maitake

  • healthy sours like apple cider vinegar and lemon taken in warm water

  • milk thistle, burdock, dandelion teas, tinctures or capsules

Lymphatic support:

  • dry brushing the skin

  • qi gong tapping, especially around inguinal crease, chest, collar bones and arm pits

  • bouncing or skipping rope

  • breast & chest massage - use a gua sha tool if you have one

  • body work like acupuncture, craniosacral, lymphatic drainage massage - to get fluid systems and detox pathways moving


  • activated charcoal

  • reishi, turkeytail, lions mane mushrooms

  • milk thistle, burdock, dandelion teas, tinctures or capsules

  • cleavers - tea, tincture, infused body oils for lymph massage

Acupuncture is recommended weekly until symptoms resolve.