Post Acupuncture Care


As a general rule - I don’t give patients a lot of home care or advice in between sessions.

Often patients come in during a busy day with a list of things to accomplish after their session, only to find they are totally zoned out (thanks to the release of oxytocin) and ready for bed after their session.Your nervous system has entered into a parasympathetic state during acupuncture (where the healing magic happens) so we want to take full advantage of our time spent here. My top suggestions for folks getting off the table are:

1. If you're feeling tired post acupuncture, listen to your body. Take a nap, or rest for the remainder of the day. Cancel the gym, the coffee date, the extra work you had planned on doing from home.

2. Try some sensorimotor exercises to help encourage neuroplasticity and stress resiliency. This is very important during initial stages of healing.

3. Spend time in nature. Nature helps to further co-regulate an overactive nervous system and even reduces cortisol(stress hormone), and inflammation in the body.

4. Drink water to help your body flush toxins and rehydrate tissues. No fancy supplements or meditations needed.

5. Come back soon-ish, acupuncture works best with repetition. It can take time to unwind holding patterns of stress, pain and chronic illness in the nervous system. Especially during initial and acute treatment, the body needs extra reminders to form new neurological pathways around feeling better.