Self Care For Unsettling Times

It’s a heavy week to be engaging our nervous systems with current events, on and off the screens. When we read, see or hear about information that is difficult to feel, our neuroception (embodied sense of safety) shifts our brain into left hemispher…

It’s a heavy week to be engaging our nervous systems with current events, on and off the screens. When we read, see or hear about information that is difficult to feel, our neuroception (embodied sense of safety) shifts our brain into left hemispheric processing. This is very adaptive, as the more analytical and solution focused systems of the left hemisphere take over to help us find solutions & rationalize the world into a safer place. However being in this state diminishes the right hemispheric functionality of being in connection with others (social engagement system) and processing our emotions. Ideally our neuro-processing would move easily between hemispheres as situations & interactions call for. However, we live in a culture that tends to prefer and uphold left brain dominant states. It’s interesting to note that even an increase in sensory information - such as scrolling social media or the sights and sounds of a climate change protest - shifts our brains out of social engagement and into orienting and self preserving states. Please remember this: the antidote to isolation and sadness can often be found in connection. Relational (with others) and embodied (connection to a sense of our bodies) practices can help shift our neuroception back into social engagement, where it feels safe to attune to others and ones own body. Acupuncture and body work are ways that help me come back into embodiment when feeling disconnected. Relational breathing or movement work are also gentle ways to practice joining nervous systems with others safely. Here is a simple embodied exercise you can practice right now:

Self-touch Sequence to Regulate the Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is what helps our nervous system regulate between our fight/flight “activated” state and our rest/digest “relaxed” state.

This exercise supports the vagus nerve and helps our system return to rest/digest after it has become activated.

Exhale like you’re blowing out through a straw

Stimulate your ears by massaging your ear lobes and touching the ridges in your ear

Place your fingers over your eyebrows about a half an inch out from the center of your

face on both sides, massage lightly.

Touch/lightly massage on either side of nostrils, straight down from eyebrows

Touch/lightly massage on either side of chin, straight down from either side of your


Massage on either side of neck, from behind ears on either side down

Place your hands on your forehead and the other over your heart. Focus on the

sensation between your hands. Hold there until you sense a shift into relaxation.

Place one hand on your heart and the other on your abdomen (below your belly

button). Focus on the sensation between your hands. Hold there until you sense a shift

into relaxation.

Place one hand on your solar plexus (just below the sternum( and the other at the back

of your neck, at the base of your skull. Hold there until you sense a shift into relaxation.

Repeat when necessary.

Take good care out there, friends.

Post Acupuncture Care


As a general rule - I don’t give patients a lot of home care or advice in between sessions.

Often patients come in during a busy day with a list of things to accomplish after their session, only to find they are totally zoned out (thanks to the release of oxytocin) and ready for bed after their session.Your nervous system has entered into a parasympathetic state during acupuncture (where the healing magic happens) so we want to take full advantage of our time spent here. My top suggestions for folks getting off the table are:

1. If you're feeling tired post acupuncture, listen to your body. Take a nap, or rest for the remainder of the day. Cancel the gym, the coffee date, the extra work you had planned on doing from home.

2. Try some sensorimotor exercises to help encourage neuroplasticity and stress resiliency. This is very important during initial stages of healing.

3. Spend time in nature. Nature helps to further co-regulate an overactive nervous system and even reduces cortisol(stress hormone), and inflammation in the body.

4. Drink water to help your body flush toxins and rehydrate tissues. No fancy supplements or meditations needed.

5. Come back soon-ish, acupuncture works best with repetition. It can take time to unwind holding patterns of stress, pain and chronic illness in the nervous system. Especially during initial and acute treatment, the body needs extra reminders to form new neurological pathways around feeling better.

Ten Ways Acupuncture Can Help With Pregnancy and Postpartum


Acupuncture has seen an increase in mainstream attention due to its potency and efficacy in treating fertility. However, not many people know just how useful it can be during pregnancy and post-partum. Acupuncture can treat a wide array of symptoms, prepare the body for labour and help speed up recovery postpartum. Below are my top 10 reasons to use acupuncture for maternity support:

1) Fatigue: you body is going through a lot of changes and using up all the energy and nutrients it can get to grow your baby. Acupuncture, and especially moxibustion, is a gentle and effective way to replenish vital energy stores, promote relaxation, and optimize digestion to ensure adequate nutrient absorption.

2) Morning sickness: In acupuncture theory we look at morning sickness as a disharmony in the energy flow between your stomach and uterus, which can have many causes depending on your individual picture of health. Acupuncture can quell nausea, stop vomiting and even reduce associated heartburn.

3) Emotions: acupuncture is great at balancing hormones and associated structural imbalances related to the HPA system. Which is a major cause of mood swings, depression and anxiety during pregnancy. Furthermore, in acupuncture theory, we recognize that old emotional wounds and traumas are stored in the meridians that pass through the diaphragm (pericardium) and encircles the hips (dai mai) — As baby grows and starts to put pressure on the tissues and fascia — old pains may emerge to be integrated before entering into the birth space. Acupuncture is great medicine for helping to release the tissues, support the nervous system in emotional processing and integrating energic shifts into the bodies felt sense of safety.

4) Turning breech baby: there is a growing body of research to support what many have done in china for thousands of years — acupuncture and moxibustion (on the toe!) to turn a breech baby into position for cervical engagement. Optimally this is done around 33 weeks.

5)Labour prep and cervical ripening: For this I recommend starting around 36–37 weeks on, to make sure the body is well adjusted for the birthing process. Acupuncture helps to loosen the ligaments and fascia around the hips and pelvis, and to promote cervical thinning and dilation needed as labour approaches. Starting early with cervical ripening treatments can also help to keep due dates on time and ease the body into induction treatments should one be needed.

6) Induction: Acupuncture is great at helping to induce labour! Acupuncture stimulates the body to produce oxytocin, one of the primary cascade hormones needed for labour onset. Further it helps to relax, calm anxiety and reduce labour pains.

6 cont.) Failure to progress & dilation: This is one way I love to use acupuncture but is often under utilized, as most birth attendants are not trained in acupuncture in Canada. Myself, I love to attend births and have seen the efficacy of acupuncture once labour has started (and stopped) in progressing contractions and increasing cervical dilation.

7)Post natal recovery: if you’ve had a baby chances are you are now exhausted. In the classical acupuncture texts we talk about « mother roasting » and « sitting the month » this is pretty much exactly as it sounds. Mama (or birth parent pronoun preferred) stays in bed for 4 weeks and is warmed sufficiently with nourishing meals, heat packs and lots of moxabustion and acupuncture! Rest is the key to recovery

8) Scarring and tears — While most do not want needles near a torn perineum, c-section wounds and scars can benefit greatly from acupuncture by speeding healing time, breaking up adhesions from scar tissue and reducing the size and appearance of wounds and scars. Take home moxa sticks are helpful for vaginal tears.

9) Milk supply: Insufficient lactation is a common problem. Especially in depleted birth givers and/or if there was significant loss of blood during labour. Some studies are now showing that consuming placenta could also be a contributing factor. Whatever the reason, acupuncture has a long history of usage with blocked milk suppply or insufficient lactation by balancing hormones, releasing tension from the nervous system and increasing circulation to the breasts.

10)Postpartum depression: Where acupuncture can be a literal life saver! Replenishing a depleted system, balancing hormones, nourishing an over stimulated nervous system, integrating emotional patterns triggered by new parenthood. Acupuncture is a safe and compassionate way to take care of yourself during the lows of post partum depression.

Nutritional Wisdom From Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional east Asian medicine, from which acupuncture was formed, comprises not only needle work but lifestyle, herbs and diet. As such it is important, when considering wholistic wellness, to take some nutritional precautions along with your prescribed acupuncture protocol. Below are the basic principals as a general guideline. If you wish to have a tailored nutritional protocol for your individual constitution, seek out the services of a qualified practitioner.

Thermal Natures of food: the classical TCM texts talk about the stomach as being a “100 degree soup”. Any food that we ingest needs to be warmed and preferably cooked as to not “cool down” the soup. Thus lowering body temperature, lowering metabolism and expending extra energy on digestive processes. Raw, iced and cool food - anything colder than room temperature - will injure the digestion and lead to imbalances such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, undigested food in stools, lassitude, fatigue and poor memory.

Many scientists link the ancient advancements of fire cooking food to the evolution of brain size and cognitive function. Even more interesting to note that studies are now showing that up to 50% of women on raw food diets develop amenorrhea - a sign that the body does not have enough energy to carry a pregnancy. Although there is a trend towards raw foods having higher nutrient density, cooking foods actually increases the bioavailability (what our body can break down to absorb) of those nutrients.

That is not to say never eat raw food, but in general it is good to eat in moderation and according to the season.

Energetics of food: Much like thermal natures of food, energetics of food is important for maintaining the “100 degree soup” needed for proper digestion. In general fruits and veggies are cooler in nature, grains and legumes are neutral, meats and spices are warming. Dairy, sugar, fried/greasy foods, wheat, and alcohol are all considered damp in nature. Of course there are many exceptions but this is the simplified way of looking at it. Cooking foods can change the energetic nature. For example steaming veggies will be considered more easily digestible than eating a salad. It is for this reason that vegans and vegetarians need to pay extra attention to their digestive energetics by adding warming spices and cooking foods thoroughly.

Seasonal eating: In this way of wholistic eating it is also important to consider the seasons and natural environment in which you live. External influences can also influence the “100 degree soup”. Living in colder, damp climates like we do on the west coast means we need to take extra precautions in the winter to eat warming foods and avoid damp ones. While during the summer heat it is suitable to eat fresh fruits and salads to balance the bodies warmer energies. As we consider our bodies are in constant relationship with the natural world, in general, whatever is growing fresh seasonally in your area are good choices for the body.

Individual constitution: Most importantly is to eat according to your individual constitution. This is where seeing a qualified practitioner can be very useful for customizing therapeutic food protocols. In general though, it is quite intuitive. If you are cold all the time, fatigued, lack energy/appetite, have weak digestion, gas, bloating and loose stools - it is best to eat warming foods, cooked thoroughly and moderately spiced. If you are hot or warm most of the time, anger easily, prone to headaches and neck tension, constipation, heartburn, insomnia and anxiety - its best to limit consumption of meats, spices, coffee, alcohol and greasy foods. If you are sluggish, foggy headed, prone to excess weight gain, have feelings of chest distention, experience acne, cysts, PCOS, you should avoid wheat, dairy, sugar, processed and greasy foods, alcohol and fatty meats.

Extra food for thought:

-Cultural eating practices are important! What your ancestors evolved eating will have an affect on your constitution and ability to assimilate nutrients.

-If prone to weak digestion, adding spices to your meals or drinking spiced teas after meals can help the break down and assimilation of nutrients and prevent bloating, gas, indigestion and loose stools.

-Adding quality ferments like water kefir, kraut, kimchi, Kombucha, and miso can help rebuild probiotics in the gut and intestines to aid in digestion.

-If digestion Is a chronic ailment I always recommend seeing a naturopath or family doctor for further testing of intestinal overgrowth (SIBO, candida), parasites, food allergies or thyroid/autoimmune conditions in addition to your acupuncture protocols.

Chinese Astrology for 2019

Year of the Brown Pig 2019

By Lillian Pearl Bridges


February 5, 2019 is the start of the Chinese Year of the Brown Pig. This is a Yin Earth Year with the Yin Water of the Pig below. This combination is a tricky one as the Elements are in opposition. Luckily, they are in the Yin form of the elements so any skirmishes or conflicts should be minor. The combination of Earth and Water together make mud, which is why this year’s Pig is brown! This can be taken literally, meaning that there will be more mud created in the natural world, or it indicates that there may be a lack of clarity in people’s thinking. Taken even further, it may be that there will be some mud-slinging politically – a messy proposition!

The Pig is the final animal of the Chinese 12 animal system. This means that many long-term projects, ongoing investigations or delayed lawsuits will be finalized. There is a lot of energy around completion and concluding things that can’t make the jump into the next cycle. Pigs are peaceful animals, except when angered, which is rare. To the Chinese, Pigs symbolize the values of family, friends, home and good food. In fact, the pictogram for home is a roof with a pig under it. So plan on being more of a homebody or staying closer to home this year, as that will bring more fortune than traveling around.

The Yin Water of this year is embodied by what is called small water – clouds, mist and rain - especially consistent rain over a long period of time. As rain feeds the streams and then the rivers, it is easy for two rivers to join and cause the water level to rise. This indicates the dangers of flooding over low-lying ground in many places in the world. The rivers run to the sea, which in large quantities carries mud that clouds the water. Unfortunately, this water runoff can cause pollution, increased bacterial levels and algae growth, which impacts sea creatures and animals as well as tourism, fishing and shellfish farming.

The symbolism of muddy water also means that there may be oil spills or problems with water quality and the safety of water supplies in many places. Water borne illnesses may be the catalyst for action. Clean water will become a major governmental issue with more money being dedicated to water safety, clean water distribution and replacing and repairing aging water infrastructures.

Marshes and swamps will increase in size. Lakes, reservoirs and some major dams, levees or dikes may be breached or overflow, and soil or sand erosion is expected. Water supplies can increase if steps are taken to retain the water.

As for natural disasters, volcanoes and earthquakes will calm down, although they will still be a factor on a lesser scale. Earth is on an unstable foundation, so landslides are definitely predicted, especially in burn areas and in arid places that are not used to an increase in rainfall. Flash floods can be a problem and may cause washouts of roads and bridges. Water always seeks to go down, so expect that caves, mines, and tunnels will flood and basements will flood. Bogs and quicksand may become an issue in some places and sinkholes may also become more prevalent. There may be problems with buildings built on unstable Earth that will create problems with the foundation sinking, the building tilting and some may possibly collapse.

Storms should be less intense this year, with storm surges as the bigger threat along with sand and soil erosion. There will be bands of weather across large areas that stay put for long periods. There will be more drizzle and more socked- in fog, which may cause car crashes. And, there will also be a lot of sea mist, which may cause some problems with shipping. Some areas will experience freezing fog and sleet rather than major snowstorms. Be careful and cautious while traveling in the winter months, as there may be an increase in icy sidewalks, black ice on roads and frozen bridges. In summer months, there will be an increase in humidity, even in places that don’t usually experience it. The lack of fire in this year means that this may overload the electrical grid and cause outages.

Farming is actually benefitted due to Yin Earth, except where flooding occurs. Crops requiring a lot of water will flourish. These include: rice; cotton; legumes; wheat; alfalfa; sugarcane; lettuce; cruciferous vegetables; and almonds. Livestock - all farm animals - will have more than enough water this year, which they need. Grass will flourish and will feed range and migrating animals, so there will an increase in offspring. Yin Water nourishes Yin Earth and makes things grow. There should be a bumper crops in fruits and vegetables and there will be a renewed increase in biodynamic and organic farming.

Water has a cycle: evaporation of water makes clouds; then clouds make rain fall which makes streams flow to rivers; and rivers flow to lakes and oceans; eventually evaporating again. The Yin Earth cycle makes everything grow and is symbolic of the soil, which nourishes plants that feed insects and animals and composts to create more fertile earth. Both elements are involved with recycling, especially of organic material. This will give a big boost to the recycling industry and scientists will find new ways of dealing with or processing food waste and trash as well as water reclamation.

Governments will pay more attention to the internal workings and policies of their countries. States or Provinces will have more influence on their populace then the central government and representatives of these regions will have a strong

impact on legislation. Countries will be less focused on relationships with other nations or with foreign affairs. There will be withdrawals from occupied or foreign territories and past differences can more easily be resolved. Negotiations, treaties, agreements and alliances between countries will be given blessings from the Pig Year. Changes in command or government positions will be smoother and more peaceful than usual.

Internationally, most relationships should be harmonious and amicable. If heads of government or politicians choose to fight with others, they will find that they will be more evenly matched this year and will not be able to dominate as they have in the past. Resistance will meet an equal resistance. This can lead to impasses where both sides need to lower their expectations considerably in order to compromise and find solutions. Incremental gains and small wins will be much easier to achieve this year.

It is not expected to be a good year for the Stock Market and it looks to become decidedly Bearish. This is due to Fire being trapped inside Earth and put out by Water. The stock market’s volatility is considered fiery and there is a dampening energy on market growth. Risky investments or investing for quick profits is not advised. Investors will be feeling less optimistic and more fearful, so more conservative investment strategies will become more popular and more comfortable for investors. It is a time to hold onto your money and for the first time in a long time, savings accounts may do better than many investments.

Overall this is a good year for business because both the Earth and Water Elements feed the Wood Element that business runs on. However the Chinese saying is that “Businesses should plan in the Pig Year and launch new projects and expand in the Rat Year”, which is in 2020. Home building, publishing, environmental/ecology industries and businesses based on natural sciences should all have good years. Earth Businesses, like Real Estate home sales and all businesses involving Food will get a boost: food growing, production, distribution, preparation, and sales will also have a good year. Farm to Table restaurants and family dining restaurants will do best. Beauty products and spa treatments using mud, clay, seaweed or stones will be very popular. Partnerships and businesses working together and joining forces will become stronger and gain mutual benefit.

The energy of the Pig will make Education-related businesses flourish, particularly involving children and children’s educational toys. The Pig also benefits all professions involving caring – healing, therapy, counseling and social work. Charities and nonprofits that focus on the welfare of children and the disenfranchised, as well as shelters for the homeless and feeding the hungry will receive more donations and gain more volunteers. This is definitely not a year to flaunt money, power, status or conspicuous. Generosity will be one of the themes of the year and people will be more inclined to help others less fortunate.

This is a year for cultivating all domestic skills – cooking, scrapbooking, housekeeping and gardening and these skills can more easily be made into

professions this year. People who practice these crafts will be more appreciated and those who work in support positions, such as all assistants or those working on assembly lines in manufacturing, will get more credit.

One of the curious aspects of the elements of this year is that they are both Yin – Yin Earth and Yin Water. Because both the Earth and the Water Elements are also considered more Yin, it is almost like having a quadruple Yin year. Yin and Yang are often misconstrued as opposites, but they are actually interdependent and can transform to become the other, as each carries the seed of the other within. In Chinese Medicine, men are said to be Yang on the outside and Yin on the inside, whereas women are said to be Yin on the outside and Yang on the inside. So everyone certainly has both Yin and Yang characteristics. However, most societies have been incredibly Yang-focused for a very long time and that balance is about to change.

This points to the rising power of Yin in 2019, and it is important to find strength in a Yin way, not in a confrontational Yang way, particularly for women. There will also be an expectation for men to express more of their Yin nature. Men need to be brave enough to start exploring their inner selves and bring forward more Yin actions, like compassion. This is a year of focusing on family, friends and community.

The Yin issues are important this year and improvements in these areas of life can and will be made legislatively and as movements. This involves things like: birth control; pregnancy; parental leave; childcare; children’s health; women’s health; family health; and eldercare. The previously disenfranchised will gain more rights. This includes: women’s rights, gay rights; and children’s rights too. The silent minorities will find their voices and be heard. Expect to have more spokeswomen emerging to fight for these causes, not just against men in power or the current system. Educating children will become a priority and other social causes, such as feeding the hungry, housing the homeless and caring for refugees, particularly child refugees, will become rallying causes.

Aggression and violence will not be tolerated this year and strides will be made in creating systems or passing legislation to deal more effectively with these societal problems. This is not a year for holding grudges or plotting revenge. These energies will not be appreciated or allowed and will bring rebukes and ostracism and censure. Conciliatory words and soothing tones of voice are advised in communication for harmonious interactions. People will feel much more Pro-Peace and will find it easier to cooperate and compromise.

The energies of this Pig Year will also encourage retirement in those that are close to retirement age, as the Pig values the reward for working hard and the relaxation and rest that comes at the end of effort. This coincides with the peak of the Baby Boomer generation who are reaching retirement age. So if you are not retiring this year, you may find yourself wanting to retire. Be sure to dedicate more time to rest and relaxation and vacations this year.

People will be very interested in food this year and the theme is that food must taste good. They will be less concerned about the calories or the nutrients and more focused on flavor. People will be cooking more; gathering and eating together more. They will cook family recipes and from their heritage. Comfort foods will bring pleasure. It is important to eat more cooked foods this year instead of so many raw foods. Fruits and Root Vegetables and Pulses all belong to the Earth Element and will be very nourishing this year. Yin Earth is also lightly sweet foods or sweets eaten in small quantities, so small pastries, light desserts, and creamy custards will be popular and consumed more than dense heavy desserts.

Weight gain is very likely this year, especially around the stomach. But it will occur in small increments and may not be noticed until the end of the year. This might also occur because people will be drawn to wearing comfortable, oversized clothing that drapes and hides weight gain well. Because the Pig energy can be somewhat sedentary, light exercise, particularly bouncing with rebounders and Shaking Qi Gong is recommended for moving the lymph fluid. Massages, including Lymph Massage or Bodywork will help alleviate tension and enhance relaxation. Calisthenics and stretching like Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi are also good and taking frequent strolls will be enjoyable forms of exercise. People will also be drawn to group exercise and exercise classes, instead of individual training.

The combination of Earth and Water signifies Spleen Dampness in Chinese Medicine. To counterbalance this dampness, saunas can be helpful. This dampness can manifest as problems with the Spleen, Pancreas and Stomach, which are Earth organs. This may cause digestive disorders, so warm, cooked foods are recommended to ease digestive distress. It is also advised to add Ginger to the diet to aid digestion and for warming the stomach, along with more spices like Cardamom and Cinnamon, and hot drinks. Soups and stews are also good. It is very important to eat very regular meals. However, people won’t be able to resist snacking this year.

The lack of fire makes circulation problems increase and there is slightly more risk of heart failure and small blood clots, hemorrhoids and varicose veins due to stagnant and thicker blood. Giving blood helps alleviate these conditions and some foods are considered very good for improving blood quality. These include Mu’er (Wood Ear) Mushrooms and red fruits that look like hearts, like Cherries, which in Chinese Medicine is said to clean the blood.

The combination of elements symbolized as muddy water can also affect the Kidneys and Bladder. This can manifest as more Urinary Tract Infections, which make the urine cloudy (Blueberries can be helpful). Or, there may be an increase in small kidney stones (Watermelon juice can be helpful). It is unfortunately easier for Kidneys to fail, requiring dialysis or even transplants. Kidney deficiency may also manifest as lethargy, low back problems, teeth problems, knee problems or as a low sex drive. Be sure to rest and sleep more to support your

Kidneys. Interestingly, although people may not be having as much sex this year, they will likely be much more fertile and many babies will be conceived.

Phlegm is another manifestation of muddy water, so the number of people who fall ill with respiratory infections is expected to rise, with congestion lasting longer than usual. If you find yourself suffering from congestion, cook more Chicken Soup with Garlic, Ginger, Green Onions and Cayenne Pepper and drink hot Water with Lemon and Honey – a shot of whiskey makes it even better!

People will want to stay at home more because the Pig is considered a home- loving and family-oriented creature and they value comfort. There will be a strong pull to gather together with family, friends and workmates often. It is a good year to spoil children and grandchildren. The Yin nature of the year may bother a lot of people, but it will balance out their Yang natures. Take naps and spend more time just being. The idea is to relax and enjoy life in the Pig Year and spend time with loved ones.

People will be more caring, considerate and nurturing this year, and more willing to help others. This is a very good year for dealing with family issues and overcoming previous hurts. Forgiveness is easier and reconciliation is one of the themes of the year. People will take romance seriously and there are likely to be more proposals. It is not a good year to play with someone’s heart or engage in superficial relationships.

The Pig is considered an honest creature, so truth will be valued. However, muddy water means that things won’t always be that clear. People will be a bit more confused and hidden danger will not necessarily be easy to see. Those who attempt deception must be very good at keeping secrets as water is always trying to become clear. So this year, their deceptions will likely not be as hidden as they think or won’t stay hidden as long.

The downward push of Earth into Water makes mud, but then rises up to dry in the sun. This means what’s been hidden below must come out. So, past venial sins will rise up to be remembered and will need to be cleansed and consciences cleared. Therapists and ministers will be busier counseling, and Catholic churches will see more people seeking confession. These sins may also be revealed to the world but anonymously or in confidence and those who prey on Yin people will be found out, as Yang does not have as much power this year.

Emotionally, people will feel more worried and more fearful, but can be consoled easily by their loved ones. Most people will feel like hugging and cuddling more. They will feel more affectionate and less angry. Confrontations should be easy to diffuse and patience will help. It is easier to feel a connection to others and it is easier to make friends. The main goal is contentment and enjoyment of life – resting and healing to prepare for the new cycle.

Overall, the Pig brings gifts to most people this year. Tigers, Rabbits and Sheep get particular benefit, but any barnyard animal is favored. Snakes, Monkeys and

Pigs (except those celebrating their 60th birthday) will find this year more difficult. This means that they may have to work harder, move, travel more, change jobs, start a new job, get married or have a baby – the Chinese call it experiencing “Good Bad Luck.” The remedy is to carry a Tiger Charm.

Individual Animal Forecasts for 2019

Rat - Water Element: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020 This is a good year for socializing and romance. However, finances are tricky so be careful with money and don’t take a lot of chances. It’s a time to finish up with projects already started.

Ox – Earth Element: 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and 2021 This is a good year for Oxes. Finances improve and reputation is enhanced. However, it is best to stay close to home.

Tiger – Wood Element: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022 This is a good year for Tigers. Business grows and finances improve. New plans can be implemented with success. Some family issues may occur and caution is advised when traveling even short distances.

Rabbit – Wood Element: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023 This is a happy year for Rabbits, especially in the family. They will feel more creative, express themselves better and will be more appreciated. However, Rabbits should be cautious about spending money.

Dragon–Earth Element: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024 This is a fortunate year for Dragons, financially and socially. However, Dragons may be more irritable and have less patience with others. This is not a year for doing any remodeling or redecorating.

Snake* – Fire Element: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025 This is an up and down year for Snakes. Family connections can become frayed, but it is a good year for romance. Money can be made, but will require hard work. Travel, especially over water, is not well-aspected.

Horse – Fire Element: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026 This is a stable year for Horses emotionally and the family is happy. There is positive growth in work and finances. However there may be some problems with the home, requiring repairs.

Sheep–Earth Element: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 This is a happy year for Sheep, especially in family life. This is a good year to add to the family, by marriage or birth. Short trips are better than long and will make some happy memories.

Monkey*-Metal Element: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

This is a tricky year for Monkeys, so they need to be more careful than usual. However it is a good year for making money and expanding business. Watch out for overconfidence and internal tension.

Rooster–Metal Element: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981,1993, 2005, 2017 Life improves a lot this year after two hard years. You get along better with others or reconcile with family members. There is luck in business and finances and it may also be a more social and romantic year.

Dog – Earth Element: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018 This is a happier year for Dogs with some sudden good fortune in business. They will spend more time at home and it is recommended that they do not travel very much. People around them may need emotional support.

Pig* – Water Element: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 This is a slow year for Pigs and may feel boring, but it will be peaceful and calm for the most part. Travel, especially international travel, should be limited. There will be few gains financially, but also no real losses.

*Pigs, Snake and Monkeys should carry a Tiger charm for protection this year and to bring more luck their way.

A special thank you to Gray Estrada for his contribution to the forecast based on his knowledge of Yang Sheng and Elemental Feng Shui and Kelly Harrington for her insight and input on the Five Element interactions of the Year.

DISCLAIMER: All information provided in this forecast is based on the ancient principles of the Chinese Five Element Theory and on an understanding of the animal symbolism in Chinese Astrology. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. There is no express or implied guarantee of results from using this information, and individual users are solely responsible for their own interpretation or application to their own circumstances. Further, the information is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for legal, medical, or psychological advice, evaluation and/or treatment. You are welcome to share this post, but please refer to the source.

©Lillian Bridges, Lotus Institute 2019

Autumn Wellness


In Acupuncture theory, fall all is the season that effects the lungs and large intestine organs. Somatically the lungs relate to general lung health, immunity, skin, and the emotions of grief and sadness. The large intestine relates to the bodies detox pathways, digestion and excretion. This time of year is common to see a flare in colds & flus, dry skin and hair, eczema and skin complaints, asthma, seasonal depression/ SAD, and constipation. As the nights get longer and the energy of the natural world moves inwards, we welcome more rest and a return to routine and self care. Nutritionally, it's a good time to start adding more warming spices, root vegetables, and cooked meals such as soups and stews to attune your body to the season and nourish you through the darker months.

Acupuncture for Anxiety and Insomnia


Summer is the season on the heart organ in acupuncture theory and imbalances related to the heart such as anxiety and insomnia can often flair up this time of year. Acupuncture is great medicine for this as it works fundamentally on the nervous system. As needles gently activate certain acupuncture points, the body is guided from the sympathetic nervous response of fight or flight (which most of us step into daily) to a parasympathetic state of rest and digest. Once the body feels safe enough to relax, we can come back into embodiment, our minds become calm and our natural healing processes can take over. Further, studies have shown that acupuncture floods the body with oxytocin - the feel good brain chemical that we get from intimacy and connection. Increased levels of oxytocin provides an immediate feeling of relaxation and ease before you’ve even left the treatment room and carries into the evening for a peaceful nights rest.

Study Shows Acupuncture More Effective for Migraines Than Pharmaceuticals

A study published last year shows evidence that acupuncture is more effective at treating chronic migraines with fewer side effects than both pharmaceutical drugs and botox. Participants who received 30 treatments over a 3 month period reported an overall decrease of severity of pain, frequency of migraines and need for medication compared to control groups.

With all the talk of new pharmaceuticals for migraine prevention being approved by the FDA this week, perhaps here in Victoria we could take a more holistic approach. The article also highlights the importance of acupuncture frequency to achieve optimal results. While getting regular acupuncture may take a bit more effort than taking a pill, the study also shows that the acupuncture group had far fewer adverse effects to treatment.

For the full article click here.